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Vacation Watch Sign-up Information

Updated: Jan 7, 2024

Your bags are packed and you're ready to depart. Or are you? Did you know Grogan’s Point Vacation Watches are available to you as a resident of the Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3. The Vacation Watch Program is coordinated with the Constables patrolling Grogan’s Point.

Before heading out take a moment to sign up for a Vacation Watch HERE

Currently, the Constable's program covers a maximum of two weeks.  If you require a longer time, you can note the time frame needed in the comments section or call the Constable's Office to negotiate a different time frame.

Who performs the vacation watches?

  • Deputies who work Grogan’s Point

How often are vacation watches performed?

  • Every shift a Precinct 3 deputy is working in the neighborhood

What activities are performed during a vacation watch?

  • Deputies walk the accessible (unlocked / open) areas of the property. 

  • Doors, vehicles, garages, etc. are checked to ensure everything appears secure. 

  • Person(s) on the property are approached to confirm they are authorized to be there. 

  • Frequently pick up newspapers and packages left at the entrance, so they are not visible to the public.  This prevents package theft and shows that the house is being monitored.

What communication is provided?

  • An automated confirmation email is generated by the computer system when a watch is completed, if the homeowner has requested to receive email updates.  

  • A call is made to the phone number(s) provided by the resident if the officer finds an issue with the home (broken window, burglary, or anything that is considered suspicious).  

If a criminal incident has occurred:

  • The officer will make a report and stay in contact with the resident. The case will be assigned to our Criminal Investigation Division for investigation.

What if I forget something or have a concern? 

  • If you forget something on the Vacation Watch form, your plans change, or you have a concern while the Vacation Watch is active.  Contact the Precinct 3 Constable’s Office at (281)364-4211 or (936)539-7813.

  • If you cannot contact the Constable’s Office, you can send an email to and the GPRA Security Committee will forward the information.

  •  Please be aware there may be a delay of up to 24 hours before the information is forwarded.


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